Our goal at Dexero is to support you and your team in doing your job optimally, every day. To achieve this, it is crucial that our products and services work correctly, quickly and without interruption. We seek your cooperation as users to avoid any abuse or misuse of our products and services. Your contribution is essential to ensure the quality and reliability of our offer.
We have developed an Acceptable Use Policy to clearly define what actions are considered misuse or abuse of our products and services, and to enable us to identify and act upon them. This policy gives us the right to remove any content that violates the spirit of these guidelines, even if it does not explicitly violate the policy. In other words, if you take an action that is not explicitly mentioned in our policy, but which looks or gives the impression of a violation, we can remove it.
On this page, the term “services” is used to refer to all websites owned or operated by Dexero, and their associated subdomains and pages, as well as all cloud services offered by Dexero.
We invite you to show common sense and kindness to one another so that we can continue to collaborate in a positive environment conducive to creating great achievements. You will find all the legal notices at the bottom of this page.
Here’s what we won’t allow:
- Compromising the integrity of our systems, by testing the vulnerability of the systems or networks that host our services. This prohibition does not apply to security assessments expressly authorized by Dexero.
- Modify, disable or impair the performance of the Services or related systems, networks or data. Decrypt any transmission to or from the servers running the Services.
- Attempt to illegally access our services, circumvent security or authentication measures, or modify our services.
- Overwhelm or attempt to overwhelm our infrastructure by imposing an unreasonably large load on our systems that consume extraordinary resources.
- Use the Services in a way that violates another’s privacy, to stalk, harass, or threaten others.
- Use the Services for any unlawful purpose or in violation of any law.
- Access the Services through unauthorized means or use hidden beacons.
- Use the Services to provide alerts related to situations directly related to health or safety.
Illegal activities
- Misrepresent yourself or conceal the source of any content, including impersonating someone else or falsely implying an association with Dexero or a third party.
- Use the Services to violate the privacy of others by posting private information without their express consent or by collecting personal information without permission.
- Stalk, harass or utter threats of violence against others.
- Use the Services for any purpose that is unlawful or in violation of any law, including data, privacy and export control laws.
- Access services by means other than supported public interfaces.
- Use meta tags or any other hidden text containing product names or trademarks of Dexero or its suppliers.
- Use the Services to provide alerts about situations directly related to health or safety, such as acts of terrorism, natural disasters or emergency response.
Inappropriate communications
- Send unsolicited messages, advertisements, chain letters or spam using the Services
- Make commercial solicitation to our users without the explicit authorization of Dexero
- Disparage Dexero, our partners, suppliers or affiliates
- Promote or advertise products or services other than your own without proper authorization
Inappropriate Content
Il est interdit de publier, télécharger, partager ou fournir du contenu qui :
- Viole les droits de propriété intellectuelle d’Dexero ou d’un tiers, y compris les droits d’auteur, les marques commerciales, les brevets, les secrets commerciaux, les droits moraux, les droits à la vie privée ou à la publicité, ou tout autre droit exclusif ou contractuel.
- Est illégal, frauduleux, trompeur, obscène, diffamatoire, menaçant, préjudiciable aux mineurs, pornographique (y compris la pédopornographie), harcelant, odieux ou encourage une conduite inappropriée.
- Attaque les autres en raison de leur race, leur origine ethnique, leur origine nationale, leur religion, leur sexe, leur orientation sexuelle, leur handicap ou leur état de santé.
- Contient des virus ou tout autre élément nuisible qui pourrait causer des dommages à Dexero ou à des tiers.
- Est destiné à causer des troubles ou des dommages à Dexero ou à des tiers.
Dans cette politique d’utilisation acceptable, le terme « contenu » désigne toute information, donnée, texte, logiciel, musique, photo, vidéo ou tout autre matériel que vous publiez, téléchargez, partagez, soumettez ou fournissez de quelque manière que ce soit aux services d’Dexero.
Dexero se réserve le droit de résilier ou de suspendre de manière permanente ou temporaire le compte d’un utilisateur ou l’accès aux services sans préavis ni responsabilité, si Dexero détermine (à sa seule discrétion) qu’un utilisateur a violé cette politique d’utilisation acceptable. Ceci est sans préjudice de tout autre recours dont nous disposons.