REST web service interface


Updated, 2012-06-19 14:28

Since the API is based on REST principles, it is very easy to write and test applications. You can use your browser to access the URL, and you can use almost any HTTP client in any programming language to interact with the API.

REST Resources and URI structure

URI of a REST API resource Dexero eCommerce has the following structure:


The REST API is available via eCommerce Dexero HTTPS. To ensure the confidentiality of data unencrypted HTTP is not supported.

Media Types

Response format Requested through...
JSON .json extension
XML - query without extension
- .xml extension

List of HTTP codes

Status Description
200 Request successfully processed
201 Request treated successfully with document creation
204 Request processed successfully but no information to return
401 Authentication is required to access the resource
403 Authentication is denied
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
409 The request can not be processed at the current state
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service temporarily unavailable or down for maintenance